Migration-Bildung-Barrieren-EDUCATION-REPORT AFRIKA-DIASPORA-DEUTSCHLAND-AFROTAK-02-Theodor-Michael-Katja-Kinder-Peggy-Piesche-Stephen-Dankwah-Schwarze Deutsche Black Germans
December 4, 2013
Categories: Adefra, AFREKETE, Afrika Berlin, Afrika Deutschland, Afrika Diaspora, Afrika Medien, Afrikanische Diaspora, Afrikanische Medien Deutschland, Afro Deutsch, AFROTAK TV, Arbeitskreis Panafrikanismus e.V., ARD, Bildung, Black Berlin, Black German, Deutsche Kolonien, deutscher Genozid, Diaspora, Diversity, German Genocide, Integrationsbeauftragte der Bundesregierung, Katharina Oguntoye, Katja Kinder, Kolonial Geschichte, Kolonialgeschichte, Kolonialismus, Mauerpark, Mbolo Yufani, Migration, Migration Deutschland, Migration Integration Deutschland, Migration Rassismus Deutschland, Namibia Restitution, Peggy Piesche, Politische Bildung, Racial Profiling Germany, rassengesetze, Rassismus, Rassismus in der Akademie, Refugees, Schädel, schwarze deutsche, Schwarze Frauen Deutschland, Schwarze Menschen in Deutschland, Stephen Dankwah, Stop Racial Profiling, Stphen Dankwah, tahir della, Zeit
Everybody has oppinons on how education and migration should work. and how education should integrate. Buschkowski Mayor of Berlin’s multi-cultural center Neu-Köln even makes public blatant racist remarks. The UN 2013 demanded of Germany to act against racism because of Sarazin.
But what is the situation really? And more important – What does the Community think? The mainstream media mostly victimizes the African and People of Color Communities by making their input into society invisible!
AFROTAK TV cyberNomads talked to Theodor Michael one of the oldest Black German / Afro German – Holocaust Survivors.
Stephen Dankwah – a teacher from Ghana, who now is a citicen of Germany. And to 2 Black Woman, educators and Community Activists from the Black and African Woman Organisation ADEFRA. Their name is Katja Kinder and Peggy Piesche.
Watch their feedback NOW. AND find surprising racist continuities from Good Old Weimar Republik and colonial times on, throughout nazi Germany and its Race Laws, up to the present Federal Republic of Germany and its laws on who may work in their profession and who not…
The song remains the same: Is missing education really the root for the problems the African Diaspora in Germany faces?
Tags: AFREKETE, afrika, Barrieren, Bildung, black germans, Deutschland, Diaspora, Education, Hadija Haruna, initiative schwarze menschen, ISD, Katja-Kinder, Migration, Peggy Piesche, schwarze deutsche, Schwarze Menschen in Deutschland, Stephen-Dankwah, tahir della, Theodor Wonja Michael, Theodor-Michael