Afrotak TV cyberNomads



Migration-Bildung-Barrieren-EDUCATION-REPORT AFRIKA-DIASPORA-DEUTSCHLAND-AFROTAK-02-Theodor-Michael-Katja-Kinder-Peggy-Piesche-Stephen-Dankwah-Schwarze Deutsche Black Germans

Everybody has oppinons on how education and migration should work. and how education should integrate. Buschkowski Mayor of Berlin’s multi-cultural center Neu-Köln even makes public blatant racist remarks. The UN 2013 demanded of Germany to act against racism because of Sarazin.

Racial Profiling Deutschland STOPP racial profiling deutschland racial profiling germany rassengesetze genozid genocid afrika deutschland passgesetze völkermord aparthheid rassismus institutionalisierter rassismus

Stop Racial Profiling in Deutschland/ No Racial Profiling in Germany – NEVER AGAIN!!!