Balotelli-Media-Racism-or-Colonial-Stereotypes-MARS MEDIA AGAINST RACISM IN SPORTS Congress European Union ADROTAK TV cyberNomads Afrika Deutschland commUNITYpromo Neue Deutsche Medienmacher
July 11, 2012
Categories: Adetoun Küppers-Adebisi, Alice Austerlitz, BALOTELLI, Colonial Stereotypes, MARS, Media Against Racism, Media Racism in Sport, Neue Deutsche Medienmacher, Rhineland Occupation, Terry Muvunya
BALOTELLI Media Racism in Sport or Colonial Stereotypes. Media Against Racism Africa Germany – Black German Diaspora Perspectives on Balotellis representation in the context of the German Media Portrayal and its roots in colonial stereotypes.
Balotelli has become the most prominent figure of the European soccer championship 2012. What are the cultural subtexts underneath the imagery and texts produced by the mainstream media to cover Balotelli. Are the images racist or do they have to be read as a continuation of how German colonial sterotypes traditionally were used to downgrade Africans and the African Diaspora before…?
In the frame of the EU financed congress MEDIA AGAINST RACISM (MARS) @ RBB Berlin AFROTAK TV cyberNomads produced this short feature on RACISM IN SPORTS AND THE MEDIA applying postcolonial Black German Perspectives of Empowernment – copyright AFROTAK TV cyberNomads 2012.
Tags: Adetoun Küppers-Adebisi, African Union Diaspora Committee Germany, Afrika Deutschland, Afrika Medien, Afrikanische Diaspora, Afro Deutsch, Afrodeutsch, AFROTAK TV, Alice Austerlitz, BALOTELLI, black community, Black Education, Black German, Black Media, Colonial Stereotypes, european soccer championship, german perspectives, Initiative Schwarze Deutsche, MARS, Media Against Racism, media portrayal, Media Racism in Sport, Neue Deutsche Medienmacher, racism in sport, racism in sports, Rhineland Occupation, schwarze medien, Terry Muvunya