Afrotak TV cyberNomads



African Union African Diaspora Germany Founding Board Vice-President Adetoun Kueppers-Adebisi (Gruendungs-Vorstand) – is interviewed at African Diaspora African Union Meeting at the South African Embassy 2014 by Afrobiz Germany

African Union African Diaspora Germany Founding Board Vice President Adetoun Kueppers-Adebisi (Gruendungs-Vorstand) is interviewed at African Diaspora African Union Meeting at the South African Embassy 2014 by Afrobiz Germany.

Afrika Film Festival Beyond Europe Cologne Jenseits von Europa XIII Koeln – AFROTAK TV cyberNomads presents Good Projects

Die Grundlage: 20 Jahre Afrika Film Arbeit in Köln

Afrika Diaspora Deutschland Strategien fuer Medien Aktivisten Adetoun Kueppers-Adebisi im Interview mit UNEEK24 African Diaspora Germany

Afrika Diaspora Deutschland Strategien fuer Medien Aktivisten Adetoun Kueppers=Adebisi im Interview mit UNEEK24 African Diaspora Germany

Chimamanda Achidie in Berlin WIN 4 FREE TICKETS for the 16th of May ~ 20.00 h/ AFROTAK TV cyberNomads commUNITYpromo PRESENTS / Afrika Medien Berlin Fokus Literatur / Black Womanhood reLOADED

Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie was born in Nigeria in 1977. She is the author of three novels, Purple Hibiscus(2003), Half of a Yellow Sun (2006), and Americanah(2013), of a short story collection, The Thing around Your Neck (2009).

FEMOCO presents: BLack Womanhood Reloaded @ Feminismen of Color Berlin Konferenz FEMOCO 2013 – The 10 Commandments of AfroFuturism Adetoun Küppers-Adebisi

Die FemoCo 2013 ist eine “Gemeinsame Konferenz zu Feminismen of Color in Deutschland” von und für uns.

Black Berlin Rennaissance – New Article by AFROTAK TV cyberNomads on DIASPORA Documentary Art as Political Intervention Strategy and the Question of DeColonial rePrezentation of the Black Berlin Renaissance published in THE CARRIBEAN ARTS JOURNAL Sep 2013

Black Berlin Rennaissance – New Article by AFROTAK TV cyberNomads on DIASPORA Documentary Art as Political Intervention Strategy and the Question of DeColonial rePrezentation of the Black Berlin Renaissance published in THE CARRIBEAN ARTS JOURNAL Sep 2013

Mic Donet Berlin FREE TICKETS Plenty of Love Tour comUNITYpromo on AFROTAK TV cyberNomads

Mic Donet Berlin FREE TICKETS Plenty of Love Tour comUNITYpromo on AFROTAK TV cyberNomads

Balotelli-Media-Racism-or-Colonial-Stereotypes-MARS MEDIA AGAINST RACISM IN SPORTS Congress European Union ADROTAK TV cyberNomads Afrika Deutschland commUNITYpromo Neue Deutsche Medienmacher

BALOTELLI Media Racism in Sport or Colonial Stereotypes. Media Against Racism Africa Germany – Black German Diaspora Perspectives on Balotellis representation in the context of the German Media Portrayal and its roots in colonial stereotypes.

Black Europe Body Politics BE.BOP 2012 BE.BOP 2012 BLACK EUROPE BODY POLITICS Transdisciplinary Roundtable & Screening African Diaspora Aesthetics comUNITYpromo Ballhaus Naunistrasse AFROTAK TV cyberNomads Afrika Germany Berlin presents

BE.BOP 2012- BLACK EUROPE BODY POLITICS is an international screening program and transdisciplinary roundtable centered on Black European citizenship in connection to recent moving image and performative practices.

Afrika Wedding REMEMBERANCE Culture Afrikanisches Viertel WEDDING Erinnerungskultur Afrika Wedding Deutschland Black Berlin Postkolonial Dekolonial AFROTAK TV cyberNomads commUNITY promo

Afrikanisches Viertel Afrika im Wedding Einweihung der Informations, und Gedenktafel FR, 8. Juni 17 Uhr, Otawistraße / Ecke Müllerstraße