AFROPEAN Music Berlin RISING THOUGHTS Berlin AFROPEAN WOMEN RISING THOUGHTS Berlin Afrika Diaspora Berlin WOMEN Hamburg BLACK commUNITIY promo WERKSTATT DER KULTUREN Black Woman Germany Afro Deutsch AFROTAK TV cyberNomads Black German Music PROMO
September 7, 2011
Categories: African COMMUNITY, Afrika Berlin, Afrika Hamburg, Afrika Kunst Berlin, Afrika Medien, Afrikanische Community Berlin, Afrikanische Diaspora, Afro Deutsch, AFROTAK TV, AFROTAK TV cyberNomads, Akosua Elisha, Black Berlin, Black Community, Black German, Black History Month Hamburg, Blaque ReinneCarnation, Diaspora, Digital Diaspora, Diversity Berlin, Human Rights, Integration, Jamaica Berlin, Label Noir, M'bala Anaba, May Ayim, Migrationshintergrund, MUSIK MIGRATION, MUSIK POLITIK, schwarze medien, Schwarzes Berlin, Schwarzes Hamburg, Spoken Word, Spoken Word Berlin, Südafrika Berlin, Vielfalt, WAAKA ABOUT

AFROPEAN Music Berlin RISING THOUGHTS Berlin AFROPEAN WOMEN RISING THOUGHTS Berlin Afrika Diaspora Berlin WOMEN Hamburg BLACK commUNITIY promo WERKSTATT DER KULTUREN Black Woman Germany Afro Deutsch AFROTAK TV cyberNomads Black German Music PROMO. Win 3 Free Tickets by writing to / Keyword: AFROPEAN Music SISTERS
Kampf afrikanischer Frauen für die Freiheit!
Das akustik-soul-poetry Duo”Rising Thoughts” aus Hamburg präsentiert:
An fünf Terminen werden in fünf deutschen Städten fünf historische weibliche
Leitfiguren des globalen afrikanischen Widerstands vorgestellt und
Außer der Band”Rising Thoughts” als Präsentatorinnen und
Hauptact werden verschiedene lokale afrodeutsche Künstlerinnen den Abend mit
ihren musikalischen, poetischen und tänzerischen Darbietungen bereichern.
M’bala Anaba- Yaounde the capitol of cameroon is where she was born and raised. At the age of 12 her family moved to Karlsruhe, Germany where M’bala visited an international school. There she learned expressing herself fluently in a variety of languages. After graduating M’bala spent a year in southern spain discovering and exploring her talent as an artist. With this extended knowledge of self she returned to Germany and took part in open stage events all over the country falling more and more in love with music “Being able to capture the audience with your voice is a gift!”.
But first she wanted to study social work BA in Muenster. At the Poetry Event”Outspoken 2007″ Anaba met her music soulsistah Akosua and shortly after that they became”Rising Thoughts” who’s first gigs was as background singers for Reggae Bands. One of their first performances as a Band was at the Poetry Night of the Black History Months 2008 in Hamburg. The following months they were given opportunities to participate at different cultural events and present their art and spread their message among the people…
-Akosua Elisha- was born in Miami Beach, USA, but grew up in Kiel, Germany and has jamaican roots. Early her parents tried to introduce her to arts and performing. Doing ballet as a little girl and having different performances at the Opera House in Kiel she got a taste of being on stage. As the only black child at her school Akosua also quiet early began to write about her experiences. Being somewhat of an outcast music became more important than school and the first of several band was formed. Elisha’s music journey began with Reggae, later it was all about R’n’B and Hip Hop and after graduating she spent a few months in London checking out the Ska and Punk scene. Back in Germany during her Social Work studies she founded and joined different Ska and Reggae bands. Akosua also organized events such as a”Afro Poetry Night” in Kiel participated in the Choreopoem”Blaque ReinneCarnation” with Chantal Fleur in Berlin, was cofounder of the black Berlin artist collective”Label Noir” and performed at the”Outspoken” 2005- 2007 in Muenster.
Rising Thoughts are an active part of the community and has been part of the Black History Month in Hamburg a few times, performed at ALAFIA 2010, Jugendtag Berlin 2008, YoungStar Theater in Cologne 2009, Musik gegen Tunnelblick Berlin 2009, Open Forum Discussion Frankfurt 2010 and won a contest by Heinrich Böll Stiftung called”Zwischenraum für Kunst & Migration in 2009.
Der geschichtliche Hintergrund engagierter, schwarzer Frauen aus der
Diaspora (Jamaika, USA und Deutschland), sowie des afrikanischen Kontinents,
wird in fünf Städten Deutschlands (Kiel, Hamburg, Berlin, Münster und
Frankfurt) vorgestellt. Jede Stadt wird eine Leitfigur (Queen Nzingha, Nanny
of Jamaica, May Ayim, Makeda, Assata Shakur) zum Thema haben, dessen
Biografie zu Beginn in ca. 15min. Länge vorgestellt wird Zusammen mit
Darbietungen lokaler schwarze Künstlerinnen (jeweils ca. 30min), wird das
Publikum zwischen Vorträgen, Musik, Tanz, Poesie und afrikanische Leckereien
auf eine kreative Reise der Sinnesbelebung entführt. Abschließend tritt
Rising Thoughts auf (ca. 45min)… Sinn und Zweck dieser Reihe ist
Verständnis durch historische Einblicke, für die aktuelle Lage des Kampfes
der afrikanischen Frau auf dem Globus zu wecken. Beim Thematisieren der
pan-afrikanischen Freiheitsbewegung werden vor allem die männlichen Beiträge
hervorgehoben. Rising Thoughts möchte das Augenmerk auf die weiblichen
Errungenschaften richten und eine Brücke zur gegenwärtigen
Freiheitsdefinition afro-deutscher Künstlerinnen schlagen. Für die Band und
Performerinnen symbolisieren die fünf Frauen eigenständige Vorreiterinnen
und Führerinnen ihrer Gesellschaft, die sie sich in ihrer Vielseitigkeit zum
Vorbild nehmen. “Sisters, Black people will never be free unless Black women participate in
every aspect of the struggle.” – Assata Shakur
Tags: african women, Afrika Deutschland, Afrika Frauen, Afrikanische Diaspora, Afrikanische Medien Deutschland, Afropean Women, AFROTAK TV cyberNomads, Akosua Elisha, Assata Shakur, Berlin, Black History Month Hamburg, Black Music Berlin, Black Musik, Black Women, Blaque ReinneCarnation, Frauen, Jamaica Berlin, Label Noir, M'bala Anaba, Makeda, May Ayim, Nanny of Jamaica, Queen Nzingha, Rising Thoughts, schwarze deutsche, Schwarze Deutsche Frauen, schwarze medien, States, Südafrika Berlin, Travel and Tourism