Afrotak TV cyberNomads



Berlin Global Village Eine Welt Zentrum SOMMERFEST Michael Küppers-Adebisi Astrid Geierman Berliner Entwicklungspolitischer Ratschlag Stiftung Nord Süd Brücken Afrikanische Diaspora Berlin Stiftung Nord Süd Brücken AFROTAK TV cyberNomads Community Promotion Presents

AFRIKA Kultur DEUTSCHLAND Afrika Inter kultur BEST PRACTICE BILDUNG MEDIEN KUltur & Entwicklung Interkultur Kongress Integration INNOVATIVE STRATEGIEN INTERKULTURELLE Afrika Deutschland AFROTAK TV cyberNomads als BEST PRACTICE PROJEKT Afrika Deutschland Black Bochum May Ayim Award

2010 AFROTAK TV cyberNomads were invited to participate at INTERKULTUR Kongress Bochum as Best Practice Projekt. You can watch the Trailer by clicking on the Picture. To see the whole Presentation for our Strategy for Education Integration and Media contact us.

PAN AFRICAN WOMANS Liberation ORGANISATION WAGAKI MWANGI PAWLO Potsdam Germany Black Berlin on DESERTIFICATION CLIMATE CHANGE Klima Wechsel Question and Answer Session Kenia Internationaler Panafrikanischer Frauentag Marianne Balle Adetoun Kueppers Adebisi AFROTAK TV cyberNomads Black German Media Archive Afrika Deutschland Afrika German UNited Nations Convention to combat Desertification

At the Pan African International Womans Day WAGAKI MWANGI gave a Presentation for PAWLO on Desertification and present and future the effects of the loss of valuable land, as well as on the strategies possible to improve situations.