Moellner Rede im Exil – Speech of Moelln in Exile – Adetoun Kueppers-Adebisi – In Memoriam der Opfer des Rassismus in Deutschland In Memoriam Victims of Racism Germany
I thank you very much for your presence. All of You feel very, very sincerely and warmly welcomed. I particularily welcome the presence of family Arslan. The title of my speech today is Speech of Mölln in Exile. Today in 2014, the white Germany celebrates 25 years of the fall of the Berlin Wall. For […]
Festival gegen Rassismus Berlin Festival against Racism Berlin Afrika Deutschland Migration Flüchtlinge Refugees Lampedusa Festiwalla
From 16th to 18th of August 2013 the 2nd Festival against Racism took place in Berlin. AFROTAK TV cyberNomads took part for the second time also. After last years exhibition on the Genocide in Namibia this year the topic of our exhibition was “Black Womanhood Reloaded 2013 – The 10 Commandments of AfroFuturism”.
Black African Community Deutschland Black African Community Deutschland Berlin Black African COMMUNITY MEETING Black BERLIN Schwarze Afrikanische Community Afrikanische Community The Voice Plataforma Afrika Deutschland Schwarze Deutsche Afrikanische Community Berlin Afrika Berlin AFROTAK TV cyberNomads COMMUNITY SUPPORT Black Deutschland Afro Deutsche Medien Kultur Bildung Archiv AFRica Germany Refugees Flüchtlinge Polizei Gewalt Racial Profiling People of Colour Migrationsrat Afrikarat Pan Afrika
Black African Community Deutschland Berlin Black African COMMUNITY MEETING Black BERLIN Schwarze Afrikanische Community Afrikanische Community The Voice Plataforma Afrika Deutschland Schwarze Deutsche Afrikanische Community Berlin Afrika Berlin AFROTAK TV cyberNomads COMMUNITY SUPPORT Black Deutschland Afro Deutsche Medien Kultur Bildung Archiv AFRica Germany Refugees Flüchtlinge Polizei Gewalt Racial Profiling People of Colour Migrationsrat Afrikarat Pan Afrika