Afrotak TV cyberNomads



Schwarze Frauen Deutschland FEMOCO Schwarze Deutsche Black Woman KONFERENZ African Diaspora POSITIONEN Afrika Deutschland Adetoun Küppers-Adebisi VERNISSAGE PRESENTATION

Schwarze Frauen Deutschland FEMOCO Schwarze Deutsche Black Woman KONFERENZ African Diaspora POSITIONEN Afrika Deutschland Adetoun Küppers-Adebisi VERNISSAGE PRESENTATION

Reality Queens – Pro 7 Stopped Neo Colonial TV Show after NGO Intervention and Quota Desaster

As reported by the German Magazine DER SPIEGEL yesterday – the TV-Soap will be cancelled before the end of its 1st season.

Metamorphosis Die Verwandlung BLACK GERMAN ADVENTURES IN NEO COLONIAL BERLIN Drogen im Görlitzer und Mauerpark Black Berlin Migration Deutschland Colonial Stereotype EFFECTS OF CULTURAL STEREOTYPES STOP Racial Profiling

Internationales Refugee Tribunal gegen die Bundesrepublik Deutschland Afrika Berlin Deutschland Voice Refugee Forum

Kinderbuchdebatte – Das N-Wort – Gegen Rassismus in Medien und in Kinderbüchern und Jugendbüchern – Ein offener Brief

Wie können in Kinderbüchern und anderen Büchern nicht verletzende Wörter und nicht-rassistische Gruppenkonstruktionen, sondern egalitäre, nicht-koloniale Beziehungsverhältnisse dargestellt werden, die nicht von indirekt konstruierter weißer, zivilisierter Dominanz und nicht von einer kolonial-rassistischen Konstruktion Schwarzer Menschen gekennzeichnet ist?

Black German Cultural Society Convention Speech Adetoun Kueppers-Adebisi Identity African Diaspora Germany AFROTAK TV cyberNomads On The Road Reports African Diaspora The Black German Knowledge Archive Media Culture Education Network

LOOKING BACK to 2011 As Part of the Black German Cultural Society Convention Adetoun Küppers-Adebisi(Afrotak TV cyberNomads – The Black German Knowledge Education Media Archive Africa – Germany, May Ayim Award, Black Media Congress Germany, Berlin) spoke on:  The African Identity in Germany Today

Racial Profiling Deutschland STOPP racial profiling deutschland racial profiling germany rassengesetze genozid genocid afrika deutschland passgesetze völkermord aparthheid rassismus institutionalisierter rassismus

Stop Racial Profiling in Deutschland/ No Racial Profiling in Germany – NEVER AGAIN!!!

OVAHERERO OVAMBANDERU COUNCIL FOR THE Dialogue on the 1904 Genocide Herero Namibia Deutschland Völkermord Rat Afrika Deutschland Ueriuka F. Tjikuua Alfons Kaihepovazandu Maharero OCD 1904 AFROTAK TV cyberNomads Windhoek The Position of the OCD 1904 on the Genocide Motion in the German Bundestag

OVAHERERO/OVAMBANDERU COUNCIL FOR THE DIALOGUE ON THE 1904 GENOCIDE (OCD-1904) PRESS RELEASE – The Position of the OCD 1904 on the Genocide Motion in the German Bundestag The OCD-1904 condemns the CDU/CSU and FDP coalition for voting against the motions tabled by the Left Party and the Social Democratic Party (SPD) and the Greens Party […]

Rassismus – Bündnis gegen Rassismus Berlin Aliance against Racism DEMO DOKU Neo Nazi Terror Morde Afrika Deutschland Media

Rassismus Bündnis gegen Rassismus Berlin Neo Nazi Terror Morde Bündnis gegen Rassismus Alliance against Racism Afrika DeutschlandMedia DEMONSTRATION DOCU by AFROTAK TV cyberNomads ENGLISH AFROTAK TV cyberNomads support the broad Berlin Alliance against Racism. Even though the Migration Counsil Berlin as organizers have been criticized themselves for structural exclusion against Black Germans and members of […]

Namibia Deutschland Völkermord African Diaspora Germany IN MEMORIAM Namibian Genocide Victims Jessika Banzouzi LIFT EVERY VOICE coutesy AFROTAK TV cyberNomads Black German Culture Media Education Archive Berlin

During the House of the Cultures of the World Panel-Event organized by black and white German NGOs to welcome the Namibian Delegation. A group of over 60 people travelled to Germany in order to bring home the Human Remains of their Ancestors who were murdered among 40-80 000 other Herreros and Namas by white Germans […]