African Union African Diaspora Germany Founding Board Vice-President Adetoun Kueppers-Adebisi (Gruendungs-Vorstand) – is interviewed at African Diaspora African Union Meeting at the South African Embassy 2014 by Afrobiz Germany
African Union African Diaspora Germany Founding Board Vice President Adetoun Kueppers-Adebisi (Gruendungs-Vorstand) is interviewed at African Diaspora African Union Meeting at the South African Embassy 2014 by Afrobiz Germany.
Jean Paul Bourelly & Sadiq Bey present CITICEN X – WIN FREE TICKETS – Another AFROTAK TV cyberNomads commUNITYpromo AFROTFUTURISM Live in Berlin Enjoy at English Theater Berlin !!!
“It’s all about power in the darkest hour… ain’t no free ride, if you want to glide, on it” says Bey on the song Sacred.
Internationales Refugee Tribunal gegen die Bundesrepublik Deutschland Afrika Berlin Deutschland Voice Refugee Forum
Afrika Wedding REMEMBERANCE Culture Afrikanisches Viertel WEDDING Erinnerungskultur Afrika Wedding Deutschland Black Berlin Postkolonial Dekolonial AFROTAK TV cyberNomads commUNITY promo
Afrikanisches Viertel Afrika im Wedding Einweihung der Informations, und Gedenktafel FR, 8. Juni 17 Uhr, Otawistraße / Ecke Müllerstraße
Bündnis Demokratie und Toleranz Preisverleihung AFROTAK TV cyberNomads Best Media Award @ Rote Rathaus Berlin Award Reception with the Mayor Klaus Wowereit of the City of Berlin 6th of May 2009 Stiftung Demokratie und Toleranz
Preisverleihung AFROTAK cyberNomads Best Media Award @ Rote Rathaus Berlin Award Reception with the Mayor Klaus Wowereit of the City of Berlin 6th of May 2009 Stiftung Demokratie und Toleranz