Black Europe Body Politics BE.BOP 2012 BE.BOP 2012 BLACK EUROPE BODY POLITICS Transdisciplinary Roundtable & Screening African Diaspora Aesthetics comUNITYpromo Ballhaus Naunistrasse AFROTAK TV cyberNomads Afrika Germany Berlin presents
BE.BOP 2012- BLACK EUROPE BODY POLITICS is an international screening program and transdisciplinary roundtable centered on Black European citizenship in connection to recent moving image and performative practices.
Shermin Langhoff on Mely Kiyak @ Rassismus NSU und Das Schweigen Racism Hearing Akademie der Künste Berlin AFROTAK TV cyberNomads
Shermin Langhoff on Mely Kiyak @ Rassismus NSU und Das Schweigen Racism Hearing Akademie der Künste Berlin AFROTAK TV cyberNomads